Get Comfortable with Being Alone

This is the same title as a post I read at My Simpler Life. I typed in something like Simple Living in my Google reader in Browse for Stuff and found it there. The post talks about solitude, and a book the author read that suggests an a-z of being alone. Here is my A-Z. Years ago before we moved house the first time, I regularly had a bath while my husband did his correction for his job, an activity he did after the kids went to bed. I also loved just thinking, and looking out the window in my bedroom in the next house. The thinking was great, I always thought up things to help the kids that wouldn't have happened if I wasn't sitting still. My Grandfather spent lovely time sitting on a fold up chair in his shed looking out into the garden. I have felt the loss of my old deckchair, have you seen the price of new ones? You can also do this in one way with little kids while supervising if they are playing in the garden under a tree, I suppose it qualifies if they are fully engaged with playing with each other.

A - Alone
B - Bath
C - Chair
D - Dog
E - Enjoying
F - Feeling the breeze or the sun
G - Garden
H - Hearing
I - Independence
J - Joy
K - Knitting
L - Listening
M - Meandering around the garden
N - Nature
O - Observing
P - Paging through magazines
Q - Quiet
R - Revive
S - Sleep
T - Thinking
U - Unstructured
V - View
W - Water
X -hale
Y - Yoghurt
Z - Zinnias

In the Garden


Scrappy quilter said…
I love alone time, in fact I'm probably more comfortable with alone time than I am in a crowd. I always find solace when I'm by myself.

Love this!!
Inday said…
That is good finding time to be alone and do some contemplating and other interests to keep you going. Love the accompanying picture.

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