Do you ever think about Chow Mein?

I do. I have been pondering how old the recipe is. I came across it in the 70s. It was the late 70s actually. My friend's Mum may have cooked it, not sure, but I know my step-mother did.

I was really blessed today when my new Leader Spare Corner book arrived, and out popped an old newspaper clipping, pre dollars and cents, which is 1966? The recipes on it were Chow Mein and Sago Plum Pudding, another dish I ponder occasionally as my Nana made it.

"Each week the best recipe by Miranda readers will win a prize of 10/-. In addition, a second prize of 5/- will be given."

First Prize - Chow Mein

One pound finely minced steak, two stalks celery, half a cabbage, one packet chicken noodle soup one teaspoon soya sauce, two medium onions, half a pound beans, two tablespoons rice, small tin pineapple, one dessertspoon curry powder. Lightly fry mince in one dessertspoon butter, add chopped vegetables, soup etc., and three cups or more of water. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook all till tender, adding pineapple about 15 minutes before serving. _ Mrs J. Wilson, Ellinbank, via Warragul (Vic.).

Now, who remembers Miranda? Is Miranda something from The Weekly Times, the farming magazine/newspaper? It seems so as Miranda has a blog on The Weekly Times website. They also have a recipe section, which is interesting, as I love Weekly Times recipes but I don't buy the paper. The women's section seems smaller these days, do you think? It is interesting that the Miranda blog this week features rabbits. I recently posted my favourite rabbit recipe, also a clipping, this time from the 80s.

Each recipe for Chow Mein is slightly different. The one I use comes from the packet, though I think it has been modernised or changed. Mine had about a cup of water which never seems enough. My step-Mum's recipe was boiled for longer than I do it for, but it had a lovely rich taste. Hers also had mixed herbs I think. We put the vegetables in last, particularly the cabbage and let it steam on top.

I have been trying modern variations and today found this one with wombok.


My mumm used to make a Chow mein with bolied mince and cabbage ... oh the memories.
It didn't taste too bad but I bet it was all that fat .We didn't have pineapple in ours though.

Hi I came by from WTBAY
Hippomanic Jen said…
Just visiting from WTBAY. It is interesting when you end up with old recipes. I love Mum's book - she always recorded where (or from whom) she'd got recipes. Almost makes it a family historical artifact.

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